Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Defying The Odds Foreword

Here is the beginning of my book I'm working on 'Defying the Odds.' At the request and suggestion of others I've begun to reconstruct this foreword and lengthen it to include details of the exact nature of what I struggle with and a few situations I've overcome to help the reader better grasp what I mean.

As I sit here slowly drinking a beer I'm trying to piece together the correct way of starting this. I suppose the first thing I should say is thank you to all my friends and family for supporting and encouraging me to finally bite the bullet and write.
Throughout my life people have consistently remarked on how I should write a book and share my story. I never could understand what they saw in me to be so unique or interesting as to warrant creating a book. Indeed I'm sure as you glance at my picture an read this book your thoughts were along the lines of: “Who's this guy, and why should I care?” Both excellent questions, let me offer a bit of insight to my thoughts an my self in response.
I am like dirt. Yes, you read that correctly. Even as you sit or stand there now, you're perched above dirt. Dirt has uniquely without all manner of wars, love, life, loss, birth, death, grown an yet it endures an remains despite what occurs on its surface. So too have I withstood and overcome my own trials and losses and failures and accomplishments so in that sense I am not unlike the dirt beneath our feet.
Hell, I mean I'm just shy of thirty and have never moved out of my hometown, gone to college, or had even a romantic relationship. Yet at the same time I have traveled further then you can imagine, overcome obstacles all but insurmountable and have loved and lost with the deepest of emotion. So who am I? My name is Patrick, and this is my story, my soul an myself that I'm sharing with you. Now I supposed if I wanted to make it more entertaining I could end this foreword with a clever phrase like: “It was many moons ago in the time of my ancestors...”

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