Friday, December 19, 2014


I wrote this in under five minutes on a random impulse.


Aristotle once said that friends are a single soul dwelling in multiple bodies. Would this then mean that our souls have infinitely expanded throughout the duration of our lives? When we meet a person or converse with someone, we are in a sense creating a bond with that individual. That bond in a remote and vague sense could be seen as a form of friendship. This would then imply that for each person we meet and get to know, our soul has thus entered their lives, and theirs in turn has entered ours.

It is not so difficult to think of this as a possibility. In each day we converse with others in a variety of ways. Our words whether written or spoken are designed to be shared with those around us. Through those words we begin the steps to building connections and bonds with those around us. Thanks in part to the use of social media and forums it has never been easier to connect with others.

Often times I have found myself fondly remembering a casual conversation with a random stranger that for some reason or another stuck with me throughout the years. In reflecting on this I do realize that those people most likely and hopefully remember me in a positive way. Thus my soul continues to expand.

As those people in turn share my stories or jokes with others, I also share theirs. This begins a new if somewhat distant connection. I like to believe that through all the connections we share and the memories we’ve formed through others whether we directly initiated them or not, help us see that despite our thoughts or how we may see our lives, we are never truly alone nor without friends.

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